Oh world, the voices of Afghanistan women are fading under the shadow of war and oppression. These women are the standard-bearers of effort and sacrifice, yearning for a different life, clinging to the dream of freedom from the clutches of oppression and violence.
In their relentless pursuit of freedom and rights, they not only put their lives at risk but also endure endless hardship and suffering. Afghan women — young people whose lives are constrained under the rule of a group claiming to represent Islam — suffer at the hands of the Taliban. This group violates human rights, tortures the bodies and souls of Afghan women, perpetuating gender discrimination, hidden violence, and imprisoning women in unclean cages.
Oh world, do not forget Afghanistan.
Despite all the hardships, brave and resilient Afghan women, though stripped of their independence and freedom, stand firmly before their ideals. They are an essential part of this society. Their thoughts and dedication to the people of the world cry out against this deep injustice, striving to create balance, justice, and an end to discrimination.
International organizations, especially the United Nations, must support Afghan women — women who, with courage and determination, have reminded the world of their rights. Curses upon the Taliban and all cultures that hold women in the grip of violence and dominate their lives.
Oh world, do not forget Afghanistan. Support Afghan women. Stand by their struggle against violence, imprisonment, and humiliation. Listen to their voices and assist their efforts to create a fair, balanced, and equal society that respects human rights.
(By: Dalaram Sadat)